The Project Alpha

Project-Alpha Marketing Corporation (PAMC) was formally established on July 8, 2022 as a corporation registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It has barely completed its initial year of operations, and yet it has already welcomed a sister company, TOGGLE INNOVATION INC. This sister company will serve as PAMC's collaborator in developing technologies for its innovative marketing system.

PAMC is a marketing and franchising company that possesses technology-driven business models. We sell our own line of food supplements, called Alpha Products, and offer Membership as well asFranchising Packages. We also provide services to our members, who are aptly-called Alphas, such as e-loading to all networks, bills payment for over 400 billers nationwide, and transactions for merchant business.

The Company's Vision is to boost and connect financial access for both the Community and the Merchants through the promotion of dynamic business models.Meanwhile, its Mission is to enrich the lives of the Community and Merchants by providing them with a unique and the first of its kind business model opportunity through an innovative marketing system.

Our wide range of Products and Services appeals to various social strata, including young and old, employed and unemployed, students, stay-at-home moms, professionals, masses, elite, retired individuals, entrepreneurs, and business owners. The COVID-19 Pandemic increased health consciousness, leading to a surge in demand for food supplements. Additionally, the pandemic shifted consumer behavior towards online shopping and a greater need for connection, making our offerings essential, in-demand, and satisfying for all types of consumers.

Angelo Banico

Meet our dynamic leader, Mr. Angelo B. Banico, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Project-Alpha Marketing Corporation (PAMC). Despite his youthful appearance, Mr. Banico possesses extensive experience in business management. His unwavering determination has inspired us to explore digital business models. With a diverse background in financial literacy, Mr. Banico has expertise in MLM, blockchain, cryptocurrency, forex, and risk analysis. His past roles include serving as the Vice-President of MultiBank Philippines from 2020 to March 2023. He is also recognized as a GAFM-Certified Crypto Wealth Manager and a GAFM-Certified Risk Analyst Manager. Additionally, Mr. Banico has played a vital role as a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Educator from 2017 to 2019. Under Mr. Banico's leadership, we are empowered to rise above challenges and embrace innovative business approaches, propelling our company to new heights.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta repellat maiores repellendus provident, accusantium officia itaque rerum praesentium, debitis explicabo, cum odit? Cumque sed minus sequi ipsa quod porro vitae repellat perferendis, doloribus autem necessitatibus. Labore atque repellat voluptates dolores, reiciendis quibusdam tempora est aliquam blanditiis dolorem? Quidem, maiores at id labore, reprehenderit quae facere consequatur est quia fugiat cumque numquam, iusto incidunt quo autem deleniti aliquid deserunt harum dolor vitae iste saepe? Praesentium sunt qui voluptas cum fuga vel mollitia, ratione libero amet facilis asperiores rerum. Tempore, alias assumenda ipsum optio velit fugit, ad ea harum blanditiis necessitatibus quis illo consequuntur vitae magnam. Asperiores laboriosam quasi ullam id veritatis assumenda corrupti similique porro! Nulla repellat dolore pariatur ad voluptatem, cupiditate, debitis porro enim est id neque aliquam quaerat corporis! Odit ullam laborum iste saepe tempore ratione accusamus. Natus alias mollitia non deleniti dignissimos. Temporibus sed eaque libero a quo suscipit sint obcaecati atque doloremque accusantium. Deleniti accusamus neque, mollitia obcaecati in iure at ea tempora iste quaerat? Doloribus ipsa earum consequuntur veniam labore incidunt provident illum est, qui nam, porro sunt quibusdam natus beatae ducimus, nobis quo fugit molestiae numquam suscipit aut ut doloremque animi quam. Quaerat aspernatur maxime aperiam incidunt necessitatibus quasi cumque voluptatum obcaecati error odit et, ad, accusantium rem eos modi culpa quo, commodi cum fugiat consequuntur voluptas. Temporibus nobis, officiis beatae perferendis blanditiis ratione aut obcaecati explicabo ipsam eum rem neque earum quos, quia repellendus culpa enim totam nulla incidunt, est at atque similique ipsum animi? Saepe aspernatur atque iusto consequuntur modi quia, incidunt, iste repellat officia nihil asperiores? Maiores laudantium suscipit necessitatibus architecto hic ut cupiditate ab error est, quia inventore eaque beatae ea facilis enim ad aspernatur, doloribus sequi expedita amet doloremque aliquam quo rem tempora. Pariatur laudantium, velit accusamus similique doloribus maiores ipsum nisi eum facilis adipisci placeat aperiam dolor minus rem aut ad magni beatae ab mollitia voluptates itaque odio! Nostrum amet odit tenetur debitis eum ratione. Perferendis unde soluta voluptas, atque suscipit itaque, repellat at iusto dolores necessitatibus cupiditate eius est officiis ipsam, voluptates porro aperiam explicabo doloremque sunt placeat. Sed deserunt necessitatibus voluptatibus aliquam mollitia pariatur possimus iusto error nobis, modi tempora nam nemo quidem maxime, consectetur tenetur sunt recusandae ad at aut quaerat odio praesentium! Ut explicabo rerum doloremque soluta velit iure, sunt delectus eum, commodi ipsa consequuntur illum quisquam esse aliquid error tempore veritatis cupiditate voluptas, minus corporis repellendus maiores molestias quas. Eum, quidem aliquid, beatae nisi expedita mollitia, rerum rem blanditiis quis quisquam dignissimos? Quis, corrupti. Sunt culpa accusamus sint asperiores, voluptates distinctio doloribus debitis quaerat enim unde rerum laborum obcaecati aspernatur aut ex similique cupiditate ea quia in quam illum ipsum fugit. Dolorum, nobis sed eos ipsa aspernatur accusamus quas cumque asperiores ex adipisci dignissimos voluptates hic sapiente deserunt vitae perferendis obcaecati magni impedit omnis consequuntur repellendus delectus non veritatis. Ratione blanditiis neque et debitis voluptas explicabo dolores illo quaerat sint? Libero itaque, expedita hic accusantium id quibusdam quaerat, vitae corrupti maxime, molestiae tempora nulla!

Future Plans / Developments

Alpha Technology
Alpha Technology
PAMC introduces Alpha Technology in May 2023, a cutting-edge system enhancing operational efficiency and investor confidence through advanced automation and recognition mechanisms.
Banico Group of Companies
Banico Group of Companies
The third quarter of 2023 marks a significant milestone as Banico Group secures a 50 million pesos capitalization, strengthening its financial foundation for future growth and ventures.
Credit Card
Credit Card
Third quarter of 2023 witnesses the integration of credit card payments, broadening customer accessibility and payment flexibility.
AQP 2.0
AQP 2.0
PAMC enhances transaction experiences with AQP 2.0, set for release between the third and fourth quarters of 2023, introducing upgraded features and functionality.
New Product Development
New Product Development
PAMC continues to innovate, introducing new products in the fourth quarter of 2023 to meet evolving customer demands.
Drop Shipping
Drop Shipping
In the fourth quarter of 2023, PAMC implements a drop shipping model, expanding reach and efficiency in product distribution.
Outreach Program
Outreach Program
PAMC remains committed to the community through its ongoing outreach program, fostering positive relations and meaningful contributions by the fourth quarter of 2023.
Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer
By the third quarter of 2023, PAMC expands its payment options to include bank transfers, providing clients with a convenient and secure method for transactions.
Merchant Acquisition Partnership
Merchant Acquisition Partnership
PAMC enters strategic partnerships in the third quarter of 2023 to accelerate merchant acquisition, fostering a dynamic business ecosystem.
Merchant Loan Endorsement
Merchant Loan Endorsement
In the third quarter of 2023, PAMC facilitates merchant loans, empowering partners to fuel expansion and innovation within their businesses.
Project-Mart Launching
Project-Mart Launching
PAMC unveils Project-Mart in the fourth quarter of 2023, a novel convenience store concept offering fresh produce alongside staple products.
Alpha Quick Pay and POS Connection Development
Alpha Quick Pay and POS Connection Development
Fourth quarter of 2023 witnesses the development of seamless integration between Alpha Quick Pay and Point-of-Sale systems for streamlined transactions.
Alpha Quick Pay and POS Connection Launching
Alpha Quick Pay and POS Connection Launching
PAMC achieves seamless transactions as it launches the integrated Alpha Quick Pay and Point-of-Sale connection in the fourth quarter of 2023.
POS Launching
POS Launching
PAMC introduces Point-of-Sale systems in the first quarter of 2024, streamlining transaction processing for enhanced customer experiences.
Alpha Logistic Development
Alpha Logistic Development
PAMC optimizes its supply chain and distribution networks with advanced logistic solutions, set to roll out in the second quarter of 2024.
Travel Incentive
Travel Incentive
As of the second quarter of 2024, PAMC introduces exciting travel incentives, showing appreciation to customers and partners alike.
Remittance Launching
Remittance Launching
PAMC facilitates secure cross-border fund transfers with the launch of remittance services in the third quarter of 2024.
Crypto partnership
Crypto partnership
In the third quarter of 2024, PAMC embarks on a collaborative journey with the cryptocurrency industry, exploring innovative financial solutions.
Project University Launching
Project University Launching
PAMC promotes knowledge-sharing and skill development by launching Project University in the third quarter of 2024.
Secondary License Launching
Secondary License Launching
PAMC expands business opportunities with secondary licenses, opening new avenues between the third and fourth quarters of 2024.
Outreach Program
Outreach Program
PAMC's community-focused outreach activities continue in the fourth quarter of 2024, fostering positive social impact.
Alpha Riders Launching
Alpha Riders Launching
PAMC enhances accessibility with the launch of Alpha Riders, a delivery service, in the fourth quarter of 2024.
New Product Development
New Product Development
PAMC maintains its commitment to innovation, introducing new products in the first quarter of 2025 to meet evolving market demands.
New Franchising Development
New Franchising Development
PAMC extends business opportunities with new franchising options, launching in the first quarter of 2025.
Alpha Save, Alpha Invest
Alpha Save, Alpha Invest
PAMC introduces Alpha Save and Alpha Invest in the second quarter of 2025, encouraging customers to save and invest.
New Franchising Development
New Franchising Development
PAMC continues its expansion of franchising options in the third quarter of 2025, widening its business scope.
Grand Launching
Grand Launching
PAMC celebrates its achievements and offerings with a grand launch event in the fourth quarter of 2025, showcasing its comprehensive services to the public.